Archive for April, 2009|Monthly archive page

Elmendorf Ride on Saturday – 2PM

Saturday’s ride will begin in the Park and Ride Lot at Loop 1604 and highway 181 at 2PM.

This should be a good opportunity to let off some stress after the GRE on Saturday morning.

This location is fairly easy to find. Take Interstate 37 South (like you are going to Corpus). Shortly after going past Loop 410, you should start looking for signs for the exit to 181. Follow 181 until you go under the 1604 underpass. Take the first right into the Park and Ride lot.

I will have some route maps so that we can decide on one or more distances (10 to 40). This is a fairly flat, pretty, country ride. Bring water and spare tubes with an inflation device. And bring a new rider.

Lance is back on the road (against doctor’s orders), so how about you?

See you Saturday.